Sunday, June 26, 2011

Back on the Horse

My semi-long absence from the blog comes with a reasonable explanation this time: I was in a car accident.

You can read about that on Operation Awesome where I'm boldly giving out writing tips while bed-ridden: In Terms of Pain.

I also had the opportunity to spend days just reading in bed, so I've posted an Afterglow Book Review: POSSESSION by Elana Johnson.

I hope to read several more books this month, as I've got a few ARCs!! and some critique partnering to catch up on.

The trickiest thing will probably be getting back on my writing horse. But I'm excited about it, too. Life is full of unexpected circumstances, and writing is really all about life. I'm hoping this experience, like all my experiences, will make me a more authentic writer.

How have you incorporated life into your writing lately?


  1. That is so scary! I'm glad you are alright and that your boys are alright too. I checked out your OA blog and I couldn't agree more pain usually comes after the shock and fear. Well written.

  2. Sorry about the car accident! Glad you're all right.

  3. !

    Oh my goodness. I'm glad you're all right! *hugs* Thoughts and prayers for quick healing and being able to get back up on that horse. :)


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