Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Power of Positive Customer Reviews

I buy a lot of e-books these days, as well as buying paper books online at retailers like amazon and thebookdepository. Do you know what my decision process looks like?

Ooh, shiny cover art.

That blurb is a little meandering, not so punchy. I bet the writing is that way, too.
support this artist

Better check out the reviews.

Holy cow, this person read for three straight days and is still thinking about the book a week later! Maybe I should read it! I definitely should. I WANT!!!

And that's the power of positive customer reviews. Do you share your thoughts on books in the various retail spots? Here are some big ones to consider, especially if you want to support your favorite authors:

Barnes and Noble

If you have a favorite book and review-sharing site to add, please give it a shout-out in the comments. By sharing our experiences with books, good and bad, we can help other readers sift through the mountains of books released every day to find the real gems.

Plus, you get to support an artist. And that's reason enough.

(I also contribute to an incredible review blog called Afterglow Book Reviews.)


  1. You pretty much nailed my process, too. Ultimately, the reviews are what do it... and the more I pay attention to those, the more I realize who has the same kind of reading preferences I do! :)

    Just finished REVOLUTION by Jennifer Donnelly... have to throw out a shout-out for that one. Man. And JUDE by Kate Morgenroth. Got me thinking. I like that. :)


    1. Ooh, good recs! I haven't read them yet, but the presentation (cover/blurb/reviews) is awesome! Thank you for the shout-out on your blog, too, Jessica. We haven't talked in a while. Stalking your blog today. :)


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