Monday, October 25, 2010

How Big is Yours? (to-be-read pile, that is)

I'm fessing up about mine.

I don't know why, but these To-Be-Read posts are making me inexplicably giddy. The sight of so many books in one place! It's just breathtaking. Okay, I might have a serious problem.

But I'm not willing to seek help.

Lindsay's and Renae's piles put me to shame. Alas, my TBR pile is scattered around the house--some I read to my son at bedtime (he's three, so he doesn't care if I read him MG fantasy instead of easy readers), some are on the bookcase beside my bed, and some are stacked (not prettily) on top of other books in our living room cases. I'm afraid my husband is going to sign us up for that hoarders show b/c there really isn't enough shelf space to support (pun intended) my habit.

Le sigh. I have two more books coming this week. *adjusts halo* I'm building my library... for the kids.

Here's the picture. Note that one of them is my leather bound Nook, so that represents at least fifty more. :)

How big is your to-be-read pile? Pictures, please! Link to your blog in the comments so I can feel better about my own addiction.

Oh and don't forget all the Operation Awesome fun going on today. 

Like, speaking of TBR piles, someone's is about to get a lot bigger! Michelle's Pleased To Meet You contest has a winner: Kristi!! She won 7 books!! Jackpot! 

And THIS THURSDAY October 28th @ 9pm is our Awesome Query Chat with the fabulous Elana Johnson!!!

Last but not least, Amparo posted one of my favorite Amparoisms: 

My Writing Stages a la Robert Pattinson's Hair

It's illustrated. 

Also (and this will totally warm your heart and maybe make you cry), Lenny says thank you to everybody for the special birthday he had last week. We're all so happy to make you smile, Lenny! I hope this joy lasts you all year!


  1. I have about twenty paper books and 33 books on my Kindle. Most of the books in my To Be Read collection on my Kindle are samples; I decide after reading each sample if I want to buy the book.

  2. Can't include a pic cause my TBR pile is all on my Kindle. I have -- I think -- 63 books waiting to be downloaded (I've already read the samples and decided I want them).

  3. OH, I don't feel so bad! I stopped buying books and going to the library so my husband doesn't think I'm crazy LOL

  4. I don't even want to count mine. I have read about three or four of my 50+ take from RWA nationals in July. Then my Kindle. To be fair, I don't have many on there because it's mostly WIPs, Beta reading, and one or two books for me to review. I haven't gone to the library in a while because I'm limited by time.

    And November's coming...

    Maybe on Christmas break, I'll get more time? hehe

    Oh, crap. I just saw you had How-To books on there. If I count those, or the books/articles for my academic life, um, well, I'm going to go hide under my blanket now.

  5. My to-be-read pile is huge, although it's not as big as yours. I've been reading for classes lately, rather than for fun. (Also, I spy Plot & Structure in your pile -- I'm reading and loving that!)

  6. It's huge. Like, an entire bookcase huge. But that's okay! I will get through it in this lifetime! It's all good!

    A leather bound Nook? That is NICE.

  7. Sandra- That sounds like an awesome system! You won't ever end up with books that didn't live up to the hype (as long as the samples are long enough to determine that). :)

    Quinn- I heart e-readers, but there's just something about owning BOOKS that seduces me. Paper smell? Meh. I think it's the way they look spine-out on the shelf.

    Bekah- Who you calling crazy? *eyes dart around the rubber room*

    Noelle- Yeah, you gotta count those how-to books! I'm glad to see I'm not the only person who reads them. I think it's so cool that you can learn entire skills from reading a how-to book. Candlemaking, soapmaking, homeschooling, and writing are my favorite topics. DIY life.

    Emy- Yay for Plot & Structure! May it make us better writers!

    Ishta- Yes, I love my nook. It smells even better than paper, and responds to my touch. ;)

    Good luck with the TBR piles, everyone! We're keeping publishing alive and well with our book addictions! Thank you for validating mine.

  8. My pile is only five books tall at the moment. I have forbidden myself to buy anything new until the pile gets down to two.

    Right, we'll see how long that lasts... ;)


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